Gallery 3: Massive Change
The Massive change exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario may have been my favorite of all the galleries. While it cost a solid $15 for students to get in, I'd venture to say it was worth every cent. Especially since Dan and I went to see it the friday afternoon that we had the guest speaker in for Kathleen's class - the author of the Massive Change book.
The Gallery was massive in size - consisting of eleven (I believe) different rooms - the exact same way the book is broken down into chapters. It also offered an audio service, a cellphone-esque item that gave additional info on almost every single thing displayed.
The room full of images (as seen above) may have been my favorite room. The entire room is the antecedent to an entirely white room (save the text explaining how important images have become). The entire room is covered in images - some color, some black and white - all of various subject matter (there was even censored pornography).
Unforunately for me, my camera died only 2 or 3 pictures into this gallery. Which truly is a shame because I could have shot atleast 25 pictures.
I believe my second favorite area of the gallery was the military one.
Here military advancements and civil advancements were represented as working together. For example, the military calls something society uses based on military equipment as "spin-off", and similarly something the military adopts that was first designed for civillian life is called "spinning-on" or a "spin-on".
The entire exhibit was just a massive (ha. haha.) assault of information: visually and audibly. With well timed rest areas (complete with soft couchs and copies of the Massive Change book on the tables :)) and a bar at the end, it was an amazing experience!
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