Gallery 2: Dead End

Gallery TPW - Dead End

Out of all the galleries, I would have to say my visit to this one was the one I liked the least. The space wasnt overly confusing, I just wasnt into it.

There were a number of works (Take Five and Illuminations to name 2 of them), and there were a decent number of people in this gallery as well.

Take Five consisted of 5 copies of himself sitting around a table smoking a pipe, ala Duchamp. It was probably the piece I enjoyed the most (perhaps because it was the one I understood the most?). It was also a video installation, not just a picture on a wall, which undoubtedly added some appeal.

Gallery TPW - Dead End

Truth be told, I actually liked the 3rd Year work at the Ryerson Gallery (which was just down the hall) far better than any of the pieces here. All of these pieces seemed based around the central idea that you had to "get" something for the pieces to have an impact on you. They werent intrinsical in their approach. There seemed to be a barrier.

Gallery TPW - Dead End


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